28200 226th Street Pl, LeClaire, IA 52753
(563) 289-5736
Parish Secretary:  leclaireolor@diodav.org

Faith Development

Bible Study – Bible study is offered during the day and in the evening. This groups focus is on expanding their knowledge of Scripture, Our Catholic Faith and spirituality. Contact Michelle Mahrt at hensingm@yahoo.com for information on the evening bible study group.

CEW – Christian Experience Weekend – The purpose of the Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) is to strengthen and enrich your relationship with God. A special time and place, away from the busy routine of daily living are provided.

The weekend is intended for any person who wants to grow in their relationship with Christ and others; the person who is looking for more out of life – the “fullness of life” and joy that Jesus came to bring us. There is a separate weekend for women and men.

A team of lay people, priests, and spiritual directors conduct the weekend, which includes: talks and discussions, prayer services and Masses, as well as time for reflection, good food and fun.

For additional information for the 2025 Men’s and Women’s CEW weekends and an application, click here.

OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation for Adults – RCIA is the process to help adults discern if they want to undertake a journey to the Catholic faith. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Catholicism, becoming Catholic, or receiving the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation, please contact the pastor, Fr. Apo at 563-289-5736 or mpandaa@diodav.org, or Roberta Pegorick, Director of Faith Formation at 563-289-5736 or leclaireolordre@diodav.org

Religious Education – Religious Education instruction at Our Lady of the River aims towards improving the growth of the student’s relationship with God and the church. Our goal is to help all persons to grow in faith. For more information, contact Roberta Pegorick, Director of Faith Formation at 563-289-5736 or leclaireolordre@diodav.org

Vocation – If you feel called to a religious or consecrated vocation, contact the Diocese Vocation Director at 563-888-4255 or visit the website at http://davenportvocations.org