28200 226th Street Pl, LeClaire, IA 52753
(563) 289-5736
Parish Secretary:  leclaireolor@diodav.org

Parish Organizations

Altar and Rosary Society – All women of the parish are welcome as members of the Altar and Rosary Society.  In addition to supporting various projects that support the ministry of Our Lady Of the River, the Altar and Rosary Society provides meals after a parish funeral, supports numerous parish ministry activities and provides a scholarship to a graduating high school senior. Contact Teresa Anderson at jite2@mchsi.com.

Altar Servers – Anyone can assist the priest in serving at weekend Mass and also during special liturgies. Contact the office at leclaireolor@diodav.org

Church Environment – Help to decorate the church environment for the various liturgical seasons. Contact: Carolyn Kopps at koppsc23@gmail.com

Eucharistic Minister – Distributes the Body and Blood of Christ to fellow worshippers during the communion rite, and may also take communion to the home bound.   For more information contact Fr. Apo at mpandaa@diodav.org

Health Cabinet – The purpose of the Health Cabinet is to nourish, sustain, and support the health of the people of our parish and its community. Contact: Sara Gravert at sgravert12@gmail.com

Lectors – Participate in the liturgy by setting up before Mass, reading the weekly announcements and proclaiming the selected liturgical readings. Contact Michelle Mahrt at leclaireolor@diodav.org

Liturgy Commission– Assists the pastor in preparing for various liturgies throughout the year. Contact Barb Arland Fye barbarland85@gmail.com

Men Of The River – All men of the parish are welcome as members. The focus of this group is to volunteer their time to assist in a variety of needs of the parish. Contact: Joe Kless at 563-343-1354 or joekleiss@gmail.com

Music Ministry – Students and adults with vocal or instrumental talents are invited to join in music ministry.  Contact: Ladonna Czachowski   lmczach@gmail.com

Prayer Chain – Our email prayer chain reaches out to members to pray for those who reach out with a need.  If would like to be added as a member or the prayer chain or have a request to be placed on the prayer chain, please contact Teresa Anderson at jite2@mchsi.com

Prayer Shawls – Prayer shawls and quilts are available for those in need. Recipients do not need to be a member of Our Lady Of The River. To request a prayer shawl or create them, please contact Jennifer Hildebrand at kjhildebrand@windstream.net