28200 226th Street Pl, LeClaire, IA 52753
(563) 289-5736
Parish Secretary:  leclaireolor@diodav.org



Please contact the pastor, Fr. Apo to schedule a Baptism.  563-289-5736

The following information should be sent to the parish secretary, Michelle Mahrt at leclaireolor@diodav.org


Immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday evening.  You may schedule an appointment with the pastor, Fr. Apo, at any time by calling  563-289-5736


First Communion – Please contact Director of Faith Formation, Roberta Pegorick at 563-289-5736 or leclaireolordre@diodav.org

Sick or Home Bound – Please contact Sara Gravert at sgravert12@gmail.com 


Please contact Roberta Pegorick, Director of Faith Formation at 563-289-5736 or leclaireolordre@diodav.org


Arrangements should be made with the pastor at least six months before the planned wedding. Contact the pastor, Fr. Apo at 563-289-5736

Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the pastor, Fr. Apo at 563-289-5736.


Please contact the pastor, Fr. Apo before confirming with the funeral home about the scheduled time when making arrangements.  563-289-5736


For information about OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, please contact the pastor, Fr. Apo at 563-289-5736 or mpandaa@diodav.orgor Roberta Pegorick, Director of Faith Formation at 563-289-5736 or leclaireolordre@diodav.org